Designing interactions, fashion, and the future of stuff. Working with code and form.

I am from California. I studied
Design | Media Arts at UCLA, and Interaction Design at CIID. I currently live and work in NYC.

Email me at:
rhymeandreason1.0 (at)
I also have a blog, and you can find me on Twitter @rhyme_andreason.

August Infographic

miles of walking and one bicycle ride

This is an abstracted map of where I went each day in August 2009 while I was in Boston. Even without precise locations or dates, with the simply the modes of transportation and relative distances, it paints a roughly accurate portrait of my life during that month. The regular walking path to and from work forms the backbone of the calendar, from which the other activities branch off of. With a little imagination, it may be possible for a stranger to interpret a narrative from the more unusual paths presented.

This was a poster exhibited with 30 others at the Mapping August exhibition organized by Design Friends Luxembourg and published in the book "MAPPING AUGUST, AN INFOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE" by Design Friends and CarréRotondes.